479.717.7737 [email protected]

Fayetteville Housing Authority - Directory Old

Fayetteville Housing Authority

1 North School Ave. Fayetteville Arkansas 72701 Office Phone: 479.521.3850 Website: Fayettville Housing Authority
Photo of Fayetteville Housing Authority


Populations Served: Homeless individuals and families, Those in need of rental assistance, Veterans

Geography: Washington, County

Description: Providing housing assistance to our neighbors.
The Fayetteville Housing Authority is a public agency that helps low to moderate income families, including seniors and the disabled, by providing affordable, safe, and decent housing. The Housing Authority is funded by Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and includes the following programs: Public Housing, Section 8 Rental Assistance, Project-Based Rental Assistance, and HUD/VASH for homeless veterans.